The Full Suit Challenge

One of the most exciting and challenging tasks is the Full Suit Challenge. The Sol Lucky Deck collection consists of 150 decks, and the challenge is for a wallet to complete a full suit from the same deck. This means acquiring the A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9 ,10, J, Q, and K of the same suit and deck.

To ensure balance and equal opportunities for all, alliances between holders will be allowed to achieve this goal. Trades to complete the suit must be conducted exclusively through secondary markets. Additionally, the royalties generated from these trades will help increase the prize pool.

We are evaluating additional details for alliances, such as the possibility for two wallets to present a complete suit together and split the prize between them. Initially, this will be a unique prize awarded only to the first wallet (or alliance) that accomplishes it, but it is not ruled out that more winners may emerge if the community decides so.

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